Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I can't come up with something that would be fun or interesting. I have several stories already written. But, considering the tradgedy this week, I deem none to appropriate. I am also upset, because I have some dental repairs I have to figure out.

Something that ticks me is: why can't I co-ordinate my hands so when i hit the shift key to make a capital 'I', most of the time it comes up'i'. Then I have to go back and fix it.

Ok, so now I have short blog entry.

Here is a pic of a scented leaf Geranium. It is very finicky. It was here when we moved here. The Hummingbirds love it.

1 comment:

LauraHinNJ said...

I haven't been by here in a few days, but see that we're sharing a similar lack of *what to say*.