Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Amongst some things I had kept papers and souvenirs, I found some small essays from when I was in high school. Mrs. Corrigan was a botch, (oh typo, well maybe not really), of a teacher. She was a bitch too. I never could seem to do it right I guess I kept this because she had actually gave me a 'good' grade. She was miffed with me, because I had made a golden brown tweed coat in Home Ec. class and she wanted to buy it from me. I turned her down and said it was for my Mother. Really, though I just couldn't stand her. Guess I ought to have sold it after all.
Here is one of my stories. From back then. My Junior year in high school. English-III
I have always liked to write short stories.

Lady Margot was in her home. She was baking and she was making some nice wheat cakes. She had just taken some fresh ones out of the . The table being cluttered, Lady Margot set them on a chair to cool.
Just then, her husband, Sir Dave the Dragonslayer came in. He had on his chain mail armour. After he had greeted her, he sat down--right on the fresh cakes! His wife scolded him, but he ate them anyway.
His wife liked the effect of the chain mail marks on the cakes and Sir Dave liked the way the dents kept the butter from running off.
So, every week after. She made him put on his armour and sit on the cakes.
Well, the rage spread. But, after awhile the men got tired of sitting on the cakes, so they had irons made for their wives to use.
And that's the story about the First Waffles.
This is a cooking legend I found in Mom's Betty Crocker Cookbook. I found several ideas for class assignments in that book. Received very good marks too.-------- I received a B+ on this one.
I was docked a little on neatness. For these assignments, we were only graded on content and style.

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