Thursday, June 7, 2007


The night is dark,
the night is deep,
all around
half the world's asleep.
Through the pines
a small breeze rustles
as through
the trembling trees
it hustles.
The night oft
sedeuces me.
casts me into a
pensive mood.
I then may
listen to the sounds
of the world as
it spins round.
I hear whispers
of other minds
although, they are asleep.]
I listen and find,
a whisp,
a whisper,
a wish of the heart.
Because when they wake
all is left behind.
They waken all bemused,
Drink thier coffee,
read the news.
the wishes of the heart.
And off to work
they then depart.
Orig. Poem-6-07:by CGZ

It is not as elegant as I would wish.

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