Saturday, February 17, 2007


This is the pits. Having to sign in each time I want to post. It is going to become very tiresome.
Not to mention most inconvenient. And the spell check--doesn't. Also, I can no longer pre-date my posts for later posting. EGAD YOU TADPOLES. This not how real life should be.
Before this, blogging was fun. Well, 'tain't no more. Makes it difficult to leave comments. I keep filling in the blanks until new Blogger decides what it is going to recognize. Ok, I'm venting. Well, you know, that's a good thing. I have tried to to leave comments to the blog neighbors as to my new situation. So, they can find me. As it turns out, it is just as well that I didn't have a links column, and good that I had only bookmarked them. I am going pull the three blog sites off to a floppy, and then to a disk. After that, I am going to delete the other three blog sites. Right now, it is somewhat confusing.

1 comment:

harmonyinline said...

You have my sympathies I don’t like the new blogger myself your right it is tirsome.