THE SAGA of lost a book
When I was in 8th. grade. The Bookmobile used to come round periodically. The county seat was two hours south. A good sized town, so there was a great selection of books available. It was great, because I really looked forward to it's arrival. To almost everyone else, there was a loud groan, because all that meant to them, was more homework. And good grief, Shudder, a 'Book Report', 'They had to actually 'READ' the book.
However, some of us were delighted, with the arrival of the bookmobile. Because, since 8th. grade was really a Junior High grade, we only had access to the high school library. And it did not have much of a selection of fiction. Since a high school library is set up for research. But, I did get to read some of the classics in literature.
Even better we were allowed to check out two mobile books maximum, for two weeks.
Two books were ok, that was all I would be able read, help Mom and do my homework.
I very much interested in Folklore, Folk tales, fairy tales and mythology. The bookmobile carried a good selection, when they found out I was interested. That was neat, the librarian and aide asked us as we were checking out. During the whole year I managed to read about 24 to 26 books. Books are to a soul, like water to a thirsty person.
Well, this one time, one of the books I found and checked and out was a quite nice fairy tale story book. by a modern author. I don't remember the other book. It quite likely was a book of myths or such.
The fairy tale was so very original, about fairies, elves, goblins, (which I do not care for. However, they were only in a couple of chapters.) Magic and even a nice dragon.
I had the book two entire weeks and maybe read it three or four times. Trying to remember the tales. The story of the Blue Princess was my favorite story in the book.
I really hated having to return the book that day. And at the time I checked it out, they said I couldn't renew it. So, I reluctantly returned the book. Picked out two new ones. When I was checking those out, I remarked the assistant, that I wish I could have renewed that book. They looked up said, "Yes you can. Who said that you can't. "
I was so dismayed.
So, it was supposed have been put back on the shelf, so they let me go look. No, the book wasn't there. They said they would look, and have it for me next time.
Well, after I had checked out my two books and was on the way out, I saw Loretta Wright with it. She was saying to her friend Janice, "this is a nice thin book, it should be easy for me to read and report on."
Janice replied, 'That's a kids book.'
'I know ', said Loretta.
First my heart sunk, then I got mad. She was so careless. That was all a book meant to her.
I shouldn't be hard her, she died of emphysema and lung cancer in her 50's. And you know what?. She adamantly refused to stop smoking.
Turns out she never returned the story book.
And I, for some strange reason, had completely forgotten to write it into my: 'Books Read' list. I had totally forgotten the complete title and the author. Very odd, because mainly, that doesn't happen to me. All I could remember was that there was the word ' castle In the title. Frustrating .
I looked the rest of my life for that book. When I found book dealers who did searches, I had them look for it. I checked out every library I can across, in any town I happened to be in. I looked in big towns, in small towns. I would about children's books with the word: 'castle' in them. Nothing. The only other book that came up was: The Enchanted Castle' by E. Nesbit. Nope, not.
Well, I had more or less given up. Then whole thing was like an hallucination. from my youth.
In February, 2005- I was doing some browsing in Amazon. Looking up books in different categories. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. It is rather like gambling, you win some, you lose some. I finally got this certain feeling. And I thought, ok, what the heck. Brought up books again, typed in just the word 'castle'. In fiction.
A lot of titles came up. So, I just began to scroll down. Almost all the other books I had seen in the past with 'castle ' in the title. were listed. I kept looking and scrolling. Waiting to see what would happen.
JACKPOT!!! on the fourth page. Holy Houdini!!!!!!! My stars lead me again. I was a little dismayed and surprised, because the "The Shadow Castle" by Marian Crockrell had been republished in 2000. But, YES-YES-YES. But, after all this time. I have yet to figure out the reasoning behind the last 4 year delay. I am positively ecstatic about it. I ordered a copy on the spot right from Amazon. Full price or not, had to have my copy.
The reviews and comments on Amazon about the lovely little set of tales all express the sames feelings "I have . Lovely, lovely. The was a long time for wish to come true.
My wishes only work on things. Not on people.
I know I have written a long story. However, all of it seems important to me.